What could the West End be?
Car-centric design put our cities in debt, in ruin, & into a vast wasteland of parking and harsh heat from pavement.
The West End we envision is rid of car-centric infrastructure and prioritizes walkability, bike-ability, and locality.
Objective 1
Maintaining West Louisville's walkable streets are of great importance when rethinking an urban space.
Objective 2
Close to walkability, any great neighborhood should be easy to traverse with a bike & prioritize cycling infrastructure.
Objective 3
The keeping of minority neighborhoods is best maintained through locality; meaning local shops and businesses.
Objective 4
Climate change will effect minority spaces the worst as it continues to progress; green urbanization is a nonnegotiable.
Objective 5
Public transit aids walkability, locality, and sustainability. We need to push for better TARC service in West Louisville.
Objective 6
Public spaces are absolutely necessary for any urban area with people in mind. Public spaces make residents happier & healthier
Our Objectives
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